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Focus On The Three Graces £5 Coin in Wedgwood’s Jasperware

The switch to decimal currency in the United Kingdom happened on Monday 15 February 1971 – it was known as Decimal Day. To mark the 50th anniversary of this day, we’re taking a look at this bespoke, limited edition coin made in the Barlaston factory in 2018.

The Three Graces £5 Coin was handmade in Wedgwood's finest Jasperware and released on behalf of Tristan Da Cunha – the group of islands in the South Atlantic ocean. It is the first legal tender coin to be made in Jasper.

The design on the reverse of the coin was inspired by signature Wedgwood reliefs of The Three Graces. They have appeared in several forms on Josiah Wedgwood’s cameos since about 1777.

The Three Graces are said to be the daughters of Zeus representing youth, mirth and elegance. They are set in an exquisite bas relief on the pastel blue Jasperware base and bordered by geometrical shapes in honour of Greek neoclassical art.

The coin acknowledges the world famous depiction of The Three Graces - the neoclassical marble sculpture by Antonio Canova which celebrated its 200th year on public display in 2018. The sculpture is jointly owned by the V&A and the National Gallery of Scotland.

The mintage limit of 3,000 reflects the number of trial samples it took for Josiah to perfect the technique and makes the coin a highly collectable piece of ceramic craftsmanship.

To check for stock availability, visit the London Coin Company here
